
2025 for CEDA

At CEDA, we believe in an education that offers young people more than just knowledge – it provides them with confidence, skills, and real opportunities.

In 2025, we aim to take this vision even further. We strive to support the development of vocational education institutions, ensuring that entrepreneurship is not just an alternative but a natural and accessible choice for young people.

How will we achieve this?

We will launch 12 new entrepreneurial activities within technical vocational education institutions, helping them strengthen their financial sustainability and transform into active economic hubs where students learn to create, manage, and innovate.

We know that starting out is always the hardest part. That’s why, this year, we commit to guiding 80 young people in launching and expanding their businesses. We will support them with mentorship, financial aid, and expertise, helping them carve their own path in the world of entrepreneurship.

Dar antreprenoriatul nu este doar despre profit, ci și despre impact. Tocmai de aceea, vom sprijini șase elevi să participe la o vizită de studiu în Italia și Grecia, unde vor învăța din experiența afacerilor sociale și vor aduce în Republica Moldova modele sustenabile de implementat.

But entrepreneurship isn’t just about profit—it’s about impact. That’s why we will support six students in participating in a study visit to Italy and Greece, where they will learn from social enterprises and bring sustainable business models back to Moldova.

Also in 2025, we will organize a Summer School focused on leadership development. Fifty young women will have the opportunity to take part in training sessions, mentorship, and career guidance, helping them discover their potential and become leaders in their fields.

All these achievements wouldn’t be possible without collaboration. 2025 will be a year of strengthening existing partnerships with donors and public authorities, expanding our network, attracting new experts, and creating synergies with initiatives that share our vision.

The generous support of our donors – the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Swiss Government (SDC), and the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) – along with our close collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), and other local partners, lays the foundation for the success of our initiatives.

Our mission remains the same: to contribute to the development of the vocational education system, providing young people with the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally.