Results of: "Competențe"

Workshop on the activity of Career Guidance Centers

On July 18, 2017, CEDA in partnership with the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) organized a workshop on the activity of Career Guidance Centers. The event was attended by representatives of the Career Guidance Centers of the Agencies for Employment (AOFM) of Cahul, Soroca and Chisinau. In addition, the representatives of ANOFM and AOFM Comrat, Ungheni, […]

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Entreprenorial Activities in Technical Vocational Education Institutions

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) and KulturKontakt Austria (KKA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and with the financial support of the Liechtenstein Development Services Foundation and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, organizes tomorrow, July 14, 2017, a workshop for representatives of partner technical vocational education institutions.   The […]

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Grant program for graduates of Technical Vocational Education Institutions

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), with the financial support of the Liechtenstein Development Services Foundation (LED), launches the Grants Program for Graduates of Technical Vocational Education Institutions. Through its small donation / equipment grants program, CEDA provides support to young people to start up small businesses or to develop their business […]

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Beautiful achievements and positive emotions in the 4th edition of the National Contest “The best business plan”

Beautiful achievements and positive emotions in the 4th edition of the National Contest “The best business plan” June 8, 2017   National Competition The best business plan 2017 is at its fourth edition.   The 18 participants – winners of the regional contests presented their business plans to an evaluation committee, consisting of specialists in […]

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