Results of: "Voluntariat"

Round Table: Volunteering – option of personal and professional development

On December 2, 2015 within the project Re-Engineering Vocational Orientation and Career Counseling (REVOCC) for Moldovan labour force competitiveness, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Support Business (CEDA) organized the Round Table:  Volunteering – option of personal and professional development.   Event was attended by students of Excellence Center […]

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Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Business Assistance (CEDA) – host institution of volunteering

Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Business Assistance (CEDA) has been awarded as host institution of volunteering. So, volunteers involved in the organization’s activities will receive volunteer cards and certificates according to current legislation.   Volunteering Law establishes a number of benefits for people who practice voluntary work namely. Here are some of them:   – […]

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