
Training for teachers from VET schools, on Module 1 “Entrepreneurship – a career option” within the subject “Basics of Entrepreneurship”

Center For Entrepreneurial Education And Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Republic of Moldova Ministry of Education within Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and  Training Activity project – MEEETA III supported by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) organizes the training on Curriculum Module 1 “Entrepreneurship – a career option” on 11-14 August 2014.

Participants:  teachers involved in delivery of Basics of Entrepreneurship subject in vocational schools.

Training goal: Training in teaching skills for Module 3 “Funding and business activity track” within the subject “Basics of Entrepreneurship”. Improving design skills and critical analysis of teaching activities.

The new curriculum of the subject “Basics of Entrepreneurship”  was piloted since September 2013 in VET schools. The teachers of the subject attended only general training, so at the moment, it is necessary to improve their skills and to deepen their knowledge for a better teaching of the subject. CEDA identified the needs of every VET school and based on their assessment and elaborated the training program.

 The Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and  Training Activity project – MEEETA III promotes economic empowerment of young people by facilitating the development of work skills and income generation, with special emphasis on entrepreneurship.

MEEETA III goal is to increase the chance for VET school graduates to find a job or to start a business.

Agenda (available in romanian language) is attached.

For more information please contact us:Agenda-Modulul_1_Antreprenoriatul_-_opțiune_de_carieră_profesio-nală

Olga Pilipciuc(project assistant)

Tel: 022 885 425, 060069684

E-mail: [email protected]