
Seminar on the revenue generation in Professional Schools and Colleges

CEDA team, within  Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and  Training Activity project  in partnership with KulturKontakt Austria, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry develops a new component in secondary vocational education, namely income generation, to improve practical training of their students.   On 12-13 September took place a seminar where, involved professional schools and colleges, […]

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Results of the training course on Vth Module “Business Planning”

The training course on the Vth Module “Business Planning” was organized by the Center For Entrepreneurial Education And Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Republic of Moldova Ministry of Education within Moldova Employment andEntrepreneurship Education and  Training Activity project – MEEETA III supported by the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED) for teachers involved in delivery of Basics of Entrepreneurship […]

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Training for teachers on the 5th Module of the “Basics of Entrepreneurship” subject

Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support, with the support of the Liechtenstein Development Service (LED), in partnership with the Ministry of Education, within the Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and Training Activity (MEEETA III) project, organizes in the period of June 9-13, 2015 the training for teachers on the 5th Module of the “Basics of Entrepreneurship” subject. […]

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