Results of: "Competențe"

The winners of the Regional Competition The best business plan, 2017 edition

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Association of Business Women in Balti and the financial support of the Liechtenstein Development Services Foundation, launched the “Best Business Plan ” competition, the 2017 edition, the regional stage, which takes place among the […]

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“Young People Career Guidance: Opportunities of Collaboration in Cahul rayon”

On April 26, 2017, CEDA in partnership with the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) organized a round table “Young People Career Guidance: Opportunities of Collaboration in Cahul rayon”. The event was hosted by Center of Career Guidance within the Employment Agency from Cahul rayon (AOFM Cahul).   The participants of the round table – representatives of […]

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CEDA will support the unfolding of subsequent editions of the competition “Best Business Plan”

Hereby, We inform you about the continuation of the project “Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship Education and Training Activity” (MEEETA phase IV), funded by the International Foundation Liechtenstein Development Service (LED), under which CEDA will support the unfolding of  subsequent editions of the competition “Best Business Plan”. Please note that under the Regulation on the national contest “Best Business Plan” […]

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Tracer study of MEEETA III project beneficiaries

Within the framework of the ” Moldova Employment and Entrepreneurship education and Training Activity” project, financed by the Liechtenstein Development Services” Foundation (LED), a study was carried out marking the professional path of the graduates of the Technical and Vocational Education Institutions of the Republic of Moldova . The study was carried out between October […]

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