Results of: "Educație"

Workshop “Implementing the REVOCC project for 2 years – achievements and perspectives”

Between April and May an external evaluation was carried out after 2 years of implementation of the REVOCC project. The project is implemented by CEDA in partnership with the National Agency for Employment, Ministry of Education and financed by the Austrian Development Agency. For two years, several important things have been done: Developed, approved and […]

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The results of the National Competition “The best business plan”, 2017 edition

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the financial support of the Liechtenstein Development Services Foundation,  announced the Winners of the National Competition ” The best business plan” the 2017 edition.   1st place: Girlea Eugenia, from […]

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Few hours till the great final contest “The best business plan”, 2017 edition

The Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA), in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the financial support of the Liechtenstein Development Services Foundation, organizes tomorrow, June 8, 2017, Best Business Plan “. The competition takes place among the winners of the regional […]

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The winners of the Regional Contest “The Best Business Plan” (the South region and Gagauzia)

The Centre for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the Association of Business Women of Balti city, acting under regulations of the Ministry of Education (Order No. 1054 from October 10, 2014), held on May 17, 2016, the Regional Contest “The Best Business Plan” for Southern region of the Republic of Moldova […]

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