
Press release: The first Career Guidance Center in Chisinau was inaugurated

On April 5, 2016, the Center for Entrepreneurial Education and Business Support (CEDA) in partnership with the National Agency for Employment inaugurated the first Center of Career Guidance in Chisinau, at the Employment Agency of Botanica sector from Chisinau (8 N. Titulescu street).


The beneficiaries of the Center will be students, youth and people who are looking for a job, who are exploring the opportunities of the labor market, the diversity of professions / trades, and who need an evalaution of their skills and are seeking a career guidance to integrate succesfully into modern society.


The event is organized within the project “Re-Engeneering Vocational Orientation and Career Counceling for Moldovan labour force competitiveness” (REVOCC).


The event was attended by the representatives of vocational schools, high schools, regional Agencies for Employment, NGO “Motivation” and other institutions and partners.


Mrs. Stela Grigoras, the Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family reported about the preparation by the Ministry of a new strategy and a new law to prevent unemployment. She stressed the central role of career guidance in the process of youth inclusion in the labor market.


“Education is the most important thing for a life of a nation”, – stated  Mrs. Ana Bantos, the adviser of the Minister of Education. “Guiding career for the youth, giving them the right choice for a profession is an extremely important mission for us. The mission of our teachers is to engage with all responsibility in this process.”


Mr. Launsky-Tieffenthal, the Head of the Development Department of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, as the guest of honor of the event, pointed aut: “The unemployment among the young people is high all over the world. Nowadays, the young people face specific challenges regarding the access to the labor market and this reduces their chances of finding a decent work. In Austria, we focus on early vocational guidance and on contunous improvement of ​​extracurricula services of career guidance –  the key factors for the social and economic success.” He highly appreciated the joint efforts of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and the Ministry of Education in the field of career education.


Mr. Martin Ledolter, the director of ADA noted, that “Education and career guidance are going hand in hand. One of the first priorities of the new country strategy of Austria is to create equal educational opportunities. This approach of Austria reflects as well one of the priorities set by the National Strategy of Moldova – Education 2020. Mr. Ledolter added that by 2018 every young person form the Republic of Moldova will be a beneficiary of the service of the career guidance. He drew attention to the fact that such kind of Centers will also serve the people with disabilities. In that context, the Centre has received a special logo from NGO “Motivation”  that confirms the access to the Center for all persons, including those with special needs.


The Center of Career Guidance will develop the competence of designing the  career through information, self-discovery and development activities, vocational marketing and decision-making – said Mrs. Raisa Dogaru, the Director of the National Agency for Employment. Mrs. Dogaru encouraged the specialists of the Center of  Career Guidance to strengthen their professional qualification.


The event ended with an interactive activity with a group of pupils from the lyceum “Ion Creangă”. The activity was  lead by Ms. Eugenia Bizgu , specialist of the Employment Agency.


All this was possible due to to the partnership between the Ministry of Education, the National Agency for Employment, CEDA and the financial support provided by the Austrian Development Agency.